A Woman Football Coach

By all accounts Kathryn Smith deserves to be a new football coach at a professional level.

In case you didn't get it, Kathryn is a woman's name.

I actually yawned when I saw the news.

We have women running for president.

Women are commonplace in the work force.

Women have been voting for years.

Is it really that big of a story?

I believe there are women refs, women in locker rooms, even a woman NBA coach.

If she is able to do the job...do the job.

Of course, I went to social media to gauge the reaction.

The very first comment I saw?

The very first one!

Said this:

Well, at least she can make sandwiches for every one.

The guy who posted it took a major league beating from a whole bunch of women.

And even a couple of the progressive-type men.

Of course that was the exact reaction that he was looking for.

(No...it wasn't me!)

Yet we often kick around the idea of women in the workplace here.

"I'd much rather have a man boss than a woman boss," my beautiful wife has often said.

On construction sites women often have a rough go of it.

One ironworker fore(wo)man that I knew started the work on the first day by lifting up her shirt to show off her boobs.

"There," she said. "Now that we have that out of the way we can get some work done."

I've worked with women in the safety field.

While they have had to put up with garbage from some of the men in the crews they have seriously held their own in a male-dominated industry.

But I guess I don't much envy Kathryn Smith.

She's gonna' take some heat from some stupid people.

For no good reason.


Who knows.

Maybe she can help lead the Bills to the playoffs for the first time in 16 years.

(I actually wish that she was the head coach).

If she does her job...


...some dopes will still make fun of her.



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