D.B. of the Week: Rajan Rondo

Rondo is a professional basketball player for the Sacramento Kings.

He got a beef with a ref during the course of the game.

The referee, Billy Kennedy, had long been rumored to be gay.

Rondo called him a "mother-$%$$ Fa##ot."

He repeated it on the court just in case not everyone had heard him.

Then he denied saying it.

Before he admitted he said it.

Even though he didn't mean it.

And that's what I hate most about a situation like this:

Rondo issued an apology of sorts:

"My actions during the game were out of frustration and emotion, period! They absolutely do not reflect my feelings toward the LBGT community. I did not mean to offend or disrespect anyone."

Okay, let's take that apart.

Is he forgiven because he was emotional during a game?

His words do not reflect his feelings for the LBGT community?

So...he has no prejudice whatsoever?

He did not mean to disrespect or offend Kennedy?

Of course he did!

He knew the words would hurt the man!!

That's why he said it!!!

He wanted to hurt him!!!!

How did the NBA react?

Rondo was suspended for one game.

Remember when the Clippers refused to play because their owner made racial slurs?

Where's the defense for Kennedy?

And I get that the word was thrown around a lot for years and years and years.

I know that 'sticks and stones will hurt my bones but words can never hurt me' but that isn't the way it is anymore.

Rondo should know that.

But he wanted to win D.B. of the Week.

I'm awarding it to him.

I don't mean to offend.


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