Montanta, McCartney, Meetings and the Mets

McCartney played Buffalo last night and I didn't get there.

The tickets were sold out quickly on a day when I was out of town...the damn scalpers are ridiculous at grabbing all the seats...and I never really had a good lead at a ticket that wasn't going to cost a fortune.

I would've loved to see the show.

Waiting on the reviews.

Sir Paul is amazing.

Received an offer to speak to a construction company in Montana.

I've never been there.

And a funny thing happened about a year ago...I was asked to speak at a conference in Vegas and I kinda' crushed the speech with a whole bunch of jokes and a R-rated explanation of how crazy construction guys can be.

And I've received a lot of offers to speak to specific groups.


Should I go?

I hear it's nice...and the speech will be fun.

So, the Mets made it to the World Series.

Their young pitching came of age at just the right time and they made some nice deals to pull it off.

The problem is that Yankees fans don't typically like the Mets...

...the whole fight for New York thing, but that doesn't bother me as much as the two or three idiots who are now reminding me...

...27 times a day that the Mets are in the series and the Yankees are home.

Let's go Royals!

Beat the Jays and then Meet the Mets...

...and beat the Mets.

Kept one eye on the Benghazi Meetings (they're actually called Hearings but I went for all 'M's' with this blog.

But isn't this a huge cost to place blame on one particular person?

I don't quite know the story so perhaps I should refrain from commenting, but it seems to me that all these meetings (hearings) add up to a single thing:

A waste of time and money.

I'm not big on meetings in my own life.

I hate them, actually, but hearings, meetings, studies...

...seem to be counter-productive.

Someone let me know what comes of it, huh?

My interests lie elsewhere.

You can't put the toothpaste back in the why rehash it all?


What did we learn today?

Not Much.


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