It's Not My Fault!

As we raised our kids we often had to referee battles.

"It was his fault."

"He did it!"

"I didn't do anything!!"

I was reminded of that a bit as I listened to The Donald and Jeb fight about who was and who wasn't responsible for keeping us safe back in 2001.

It's a senseless argument, but one that I've often found mystifying.

The Donald has a point.

The tragedy did occur while George W. was the president... matter how much his side would like that to be directed elsewhere.

So, it rings a little hollow when you try and run on your brother's record of 'keeping us safe.'

"Other than what happened, Mrs. Lincoln, how'd you like the movie?"

But then The Donald messes up his perfectly good point by saying that he would've stopped the events of 9/11.

"I'm tough on immigrants. They wouldn't have been here," was essentially what he said.

First off, where is he 'tough on immigrants'?

When they're weeding his garden?

Or strictly in his speeches?

Secondly, the attacks happened just months into W's presidency.

Surely that wasn't enough time for Trump to get the Mexicans to pay for a wall.

And Mexico, obviously had nothing to do with it.

Ahh, it's just so confusing.

But the thing about it is that while listening to both sides argue and make their statements I wanted to scream out:

"Both of you get in your rooms now!"

"And don't come out until you're ready to stop being stupid!"

"You morons!"

Buckle up!

We only have another year of this garbage to go!


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