It's Not My Fault, By George

A two-blog day as I am leaving early in the a.m. and just have one more thing to say...

I hesitate to get into it, but I'm frustrated.

Obama can't get anything done because no one is playing nice and because Bush left him in such a mess. That's his story and he's sticking to it.

Bush left him in a mess because Clinton left him in a mess.

Clinton left Jr. in a mess because George's daddy was a mess.

You see where I'm going with this?

I have it figured out.

It was all George's fault! And I'm not talking Dubya or Herbert Walker (whatever the hell that's all about) I'm talking Washington.

Yep, follow the train of all goes back to the guy before you, evidently.

So, why do I need to get to the bottom of this?

Well, I saw Obama playing pass the blame game and then I did something that I want to poke my eyes out for doing...I read the account of Cheney's new book.

I definitely don't want to get into a Republican-Democrat, he-said, she-said pissing contest here, but I think Cheney is a truly polarizing figure.

What I gleamed from his new book is that Obama hasn't done enough to fix the economy that had nothing to do with what George and Cheney left him. They couldn't help it.

According to Cheney, Obama also hasn't done enough to get us out of the turmoil of two wars.

Does anyone else see anything wrong with that logic, or am I dumb?

"He's had 2 and a half years," Cheney said. "There hasn't been enough progress."

Like the eight previous years?

And Cheney doesn't even stop there. Everything the Bush Administration did right was his idea and everything they did wrong was Dubya, Powell and Condy's idea.

It's a joke. Obama got Bin Laden because of what Bush and Cheney did to start the ball rolling.

I didn't say that, Cheney did.

Yet, it is the same with all of them. Carter was handed the Iran problem by Ford. Nixon was lost in his own paranoia. Johnson had Viet Nam because of Kennedy.

No one cops to anything!!!!

You can't just take credit for the good and push the bad on the guy who came before you.

Imagine if you did that in your own life.

Try telling your boss that you couldn't do it because Bob, the guy from account-temps screwed it up eight freaking years ago!

Be accountable.

You strike out, walk back to the dugout with your head held high, believing you'll get it next time. Don't sit down and tell the manager that the umpire sucks.

Sometimes you have to hit a ball in the dirt out of the park.

Really great players do that.

The guys that hit .200 blame everyone else.

Now that I've figured it out, I must say, I never really liked George Washington...

...he looked too much like Barbara Bush.


Wedding Walker said…
PERFECT Cliff! Finally someone who says something that makes sense. Send this to the Rep and Dem's alike since everyone one of them is to blame...

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