More Than You Can Handle

Don't you just want to bash in the faces of those who, in the time of crisis, tell you things like, "God doesn't give you anymore than what you can handle?"

I was thinking about that today as I did something that I told myself I would refrain from doing: reading and watching really sad things.

There is just so much heartbreak that someone mentioning that God has your back when you feel like you are a step away from collapse, can lead to murderous thoughts.

But I suppose that there is comfort in believing in the fact that you can rise above all that you face. It is certain that if you think obsessively of difficulties that you will be defeated, so there has to be that faith.

Faith hurls obstacles aside and crushes fear. Faith makes life dynamic, vital and joyful. The answer to all struggles is certainly faith. Whole-hearted, all-out, enthusiastic faith.

As I wrote that sentence I kind of shied away from it, knowing that it is not a Bible-thumping, God-fearing type of chest-pumping that I want to do here.

But faith is sometimes borne of a deep frustration knowing that it is virtually impossible to whip this world alone. Keep trying that. It's sort of like lining up and running into your garage door.

But if your truly of the belief that you can not be beaten down by anything that this world can offer, there is certainly a bit of comfort, right?

The obit that I glanced at this morning recapped the loss of a 29-year old mother. There wasn't any mention of how or why her photo was in that section of the paper, but the love was present on the page in the mere listing of those who needed to speak of her vibrancy of life, and her love for her family.

The words sort of crushed me. I thought of her children. Her husband. Her Mom and Dad. Her brothers and sisters. Her freaking dog.

And I thought of some goofy bastard standing at the wake, saying: 'God doesn't give you more than you can handle' to a grieving member of that love circle.

I cringed when I considered it. In fact, it made me want to throw up a little.

But you know, it's true.

Some days it certainly doesn't feel that way, but it circles back around to belief and faith.

It has to.

Otherwise what is the freaking point?

So, what started out as a stab at being inspirational, circled around to a consideration of merely surviving the catastrophe of life.

Is there a huge difference in how you paint it anyway?

Can faith and belief really move mountains of pain?




You just gotta' let it.



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