At Least She Got Her Hair Done

They say that as a society we are getting a lot bigger. Not only height-wise, but width-wise as well. I don't know the woman pictured above. My eyes were drawn to the photo, however, for a couple of reasons.

First off, did she get an ass lift? Certainly looks as if that were the case.

Secondly, I am always on the lookout for such photos because I play in a fantasy baseball league and my buddies are constantly super-imposing my head on all kinds of shots...I am usually looking for payback, running something like "Hank Gets a New Haircut."

Being that the season hasn't started yet, I decided to run the shot here. Nearly named the blog "Hank Gets A New Haircut" I'm thinking of you, buddy!

Yet the photo shows a disturbing trend, doesn't it? There are so many people struggling to get this weight thing under control. Visit your local amusement park this ain't pretty.

And why is it? Lack of good-eating habits? Little or no exercise? Big-boned? Glandular problems?

I eat a lot. I mean until I really fill up at most dinners. I don't believe I can ever get so big that people start snapping my photos for their fantasy baseball fodder. Maybe a couple of hairless ones, but probably not for being real big.

But as far as diet goes I do a few real good things. I never drink pop. I don't eat Doritos or chips or cake. If I eat at a fast food place twice a year it is only because I can't possibly get something anywhere else. Hell, the other night I had broiled haddock and spinach and it was the best meal I had all week.

I don't mean to anger anyone with the photo I put in place at the top of this blog. There are much bigger concerns than people who are bigger than they used to be.

I hope the woman in the photo is able to stay healthy and is happy and doesn't care that her photo is floated around the 'Net.

I also hope she tipped the hair stylist.

That's a real nice 'do.


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