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Hi Cliff,

I just read the write up of your book in both the Hamburg Sun and Buffalo News online and would love to know where to get a copy of your book. I too grew up in North Collins and knew both Jeff and your sister Carrie in high school. Jeff's senior year was my freshman year and from beginning to end, he teased me mercilessly but always in that way that he had that you knew he was just trying to make me laugh.

When yearbooks came out later that year, I (very shyly) asked him to sign mine. Expecting something smart and slightly sarcastic when he gave me my book back, instead he explained that he was only trying to entertain me and make me laugh the whole year round and that he wished nothing but the best for my future. If that had been written by ANYONE else, I would have just said, "yeah, right!" But coming from Jeff, I believed him and knew that he was sincere. I never forgot that. When I heard about what happened, I looked again at what he wrote and even though I hadn't seen him since Carrie and I worked at the video store in the basement of Avery's supermarket together, it still hurt to think that he'd no longer be here with us. He was a great friend. Even to a little nothing of a freshman girl.


Hi Cliff,

I meant to email you a few weeks ago when I finished reading Oh, Brother! Like
I told you while reading it, it was a tough book for me to get through ...
knowing how it was going to end ... and constantly putting myself in your shoes.
I am very close to my sister ...

Your book had me in tears and laughter consistently--two emotions that make a
book GREAT!

Although I didn't know Jeff, I feel like had I ever met the guy, we would have
been best friends. His personality shined through throughout the book and his
humor was right up my alley!

I know it must have been tough to write about this ... but even tougher was
living through the experience and living with his loss now. I can't tell you
how sorry I am that you have to do that. The relationship you had with him was
unique, for sure, and I know you know how truly blessed you were to have him for
the time you did.

I also appreciated your honesty throughout the book. Getting angry and
"yelling" at God are things we all do if our times of "not fair" experiences.
Getting frustrated with the doctors, etc. ... we need to see that all and I'm
glad you included it.

This should definitely be read by everyone as a reality check. None of us know
when the world as we know it will change. It happens that fast sometimes and no
matter how hard we try to prevent it, sometimes it doesn't work out the way we
want it to. As I'm sure you remember by my latest article, I kiss my husband
and girls goodbye everyday and make sure they hear me say "I love you" before I
leave them. We just never know. So sad ... but so true.

Thanks for letting me read along, Cliff. You are always inspiring and I am one
of your biggest fans.


You don't know me. Nor did I know your brother . I just read the article in the Buffalo News about your brother Jeff and his sudden loss. I want to thank you for sharing Jeff's story with the world. My family, like yours, was rocked by the ravages of a brain bleed when my Aunt and second Mom, suffered an aneurysm in May 1996. Brain bleeds are a mystery since little is known about them and they can fester for years. How suddenly they can happen is so shocking it's almost impossible to understand what, why how when it happens. I wanted to let you know that the story really hit home and I hope that your book sheds light on your experience, on the impact of a brain bleed or aneurysm and, of course, your brothers life and his impact on the world. Like our Phyllis they were taken too soon. My thoughts and prayers to your family.

The experience of writing and sharing Jeff's life continues to be overwhelming and rewarding and reminds me, day after day after day after continue to try and bring a sort of grace and happiness back into life.


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