If You Wait Long Enough...

...God will provide an answer.

Woke up this morning feeling refreshed after a long day of doing pretty much nothing. As I showered (there's an image for you) I thought of how I'd like to spend my day. I had dreamed of playing basketball with some friends and my mind centered on that as I convinced myself that I'd find some exercise, somehow today. We weren't scheduled to sign up for the YMCA for a couple of weeks, so I was on my own.

As I dressed I thought about jogging around the block - it was raining hard - so that was out. I thought about the treadmill in our basement buried beneath God knows what in our "storage" room. That was also most likely out.

Yet suddenly, I heard my wife call out. "We have a flood," she yelled.

"We have a flood" might be the four worst words in the language.

"How bad?" I asked.

"Pretty bad," she calmly replied.

So, ten minutes into the day, I was shoveling water out the front door. The pump had finally kicked on, but I needed to help it. I shoveled for a solid ten minutes, Kathy started the wet-dry-vac, and we worked to clear the water. The kids were snuggled in their beds, and we worked.

I thought of a similar flood years ago when the kids were just babies and how I had exploded in a blind rage, wondering why the hell we couldn't keep water from entering our basement. As we all know, I'm not real handy, but millions of people were keeping water out of their basements, how hard could it be? Plus, two babies and too much to do on that day sent me into a fury.

Today, I shoveled, I vacuumed, I took garbage out, moved the furniture, and whistled while I did it.

It wasn't the end of the world. The muscles I had wanted to work were screaming at me. And what was this? Sweat? How could that be?

It took us a couple of hours to get the water out and set the carpets to drying.

"Well, you got a little exercise," Kathy said.

I hadn't even told her about my plan for the day.

Ask and God shall provide.

It was very biblical of Him to send a flood.


John said…
Amazing, grace! Hey if you want to meet me at Gold's in Hamburg you can fill the couple of weeks working out inside. Give me a call.

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