Big Changes in 2009!

Some of my New Year's Resolutions:

--- Go Yanks - The Yanks signed three free agents - I smell title #27 in '09.

--- Gobama - We have a democratic controlled government - I have my fingers crossed that Obama's platform of change works. If not - vote the bastards out next time. President Palin - No! Please God!

--- Enlightenment - Time to stay in control - once more resolution number one is to relax a little and find some patience somewhere. Yet I'm thinking - when I relax, I lose my edge, and when I lose my edge I'm fairly ineffective. Patience versus a potential heart attack - there has to be middle ground.

--- Stephen King Here I Come - Write even more! Always a grand resolution, but I had three books out this year and a highly therapeutic blog - don't know if I can write any more - honestly.

--- Lose weight! F---k it! I love stuffed peppers and pasta and steak, and ribs, and egg sandwiches, and subs - God I love subs. Perhaps I'll just shoot for say a 8,000 calorie a day diet.

Reminds me of a story about Willie Nelson - He built his own golf course and he was walking with a reporter - he said "The best thing about my own golf course is that I can set par on every hole. For instance this hole here would normally be a par 4, but I made it a par 9 on my course, and yesterday I birdied the bastard."

I set a 8,000 calorie diet - I'll be under that - on most days.

--- Save Money! Yeah, in this economy? With three kids on 8,000 calorie a day diets - good luck!

--- Drink less! See above and throw in a wife.

--- All you need is love, love, love - Stay close with real friends, hang with the family, refrain from being a special guest on 48 Hours Mystery, play with the dogs, beat the kids on the Wii, kiss the wife more, swear off yelling to get a point across - all these are sound principles designed to bring me love and adulation.

--- Laugh More! - I love a good joke and a sharp comedy - worse comes to worse I'll watch Stepbrothers again.

--- Stay hard, stay hungry, stay alive..... my three main wishes for '09 with staying alive being the most important - we already know about the hungry part!

Happy New Year!


John said…
Sometimes making the resolutions public increases the chances of success. Best of the luck not yelling to make a point. I may test that one tonight! Which belongs in school - Darwin or Genesis???
deafjeff said…
I would say Peter Gabriel era Genesis, only because I've haven't seen any evidence of human evolution in a few hundred years. Of course we may have the peak with Cliffy. OF course the chapter of "THE BOOK" should be in school, creative writing classes always need examples.

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