Homer Simpson is Right Again

With great anticipation the boys and I watched the new Simpson's episode - mind you it was coming immediately following the Bills latest stinko effort in Toronto. The two items are linked as you shall see.

In the episode of the Simpson's billionaire Monty Burns buys a basketball team and wipes out a conservatory to do so - his great line is "Pave this place as god intended."

The team bombs and bees take over the joint, but not before Homer says - "We need a billionaire to hold up our town for public funds so a bunch of millionaires can play."

The Bills were playing in Toronto because the millions they made here off the sweat of the people in Buffalo is no longer enough. It doesn't matter that all of the games have been sold out since about 1990. It doesn't matter that it's $35 to park and $8 a beer. The billionaire owner is fed-up with the poor economic state of the city - and this 90-year-old maniac spent $10,000 for a team now worth $800 million!

So - they moved a game to Toronto where it was met by indifference and a closed roof - and the Bills stunk up the joint.

A reporter for the Buffalo News asked the owner, after the game, if he was embarrassed by the team. The owner laughed - he freaking laughed - and said - "I'm used to it."

I'm a very proud Yankee fan and I take heat for that - but if the Yankee owner ever laughed about being embarrassed like that - the New Yorkers would burn the stadium down - and 9 years of absolutely no playoffs would not be tolerated. Say what you want - there is usually a competitive team on the field in NY.

I just can't understand it anymore - people stand on line for tickets, or to catch a glimpse of the so-called superstar millionaires who spend the off-season raping, running down, and bad-mouthing the city of Buffalo.

There's a breaking story that the Sabres may be for sale.

Please god, for the economic sanity of the region please let it be the Bills - take them Toronto - you can pay the $350 a ticket to watch them.

I've been done for quite awhile and hopefully a lot of others will join me.

Leave it to Homer to talk some sense.


deafjeff said…

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