It Takes All Kinds

Couldn't take my eyes off a guy who was standing behind me in line at Office Max - as far as I could tell - every inch of his body was home to a tattoo. He had long straggly hair, a Harley belt buckle and his ears pierced about thirty times - he looked uncomfortable. I have worn my wedding ring once or twice and have never owned even a watch - I couldn't imagine looking like a Halloween costume - anyway - he spoke and his voice was real high and feminine - I almost started laughing.

Listened to a guy who claims to have been to another planet where he met Amelia Erhart and actually got physical with her. He spends his days drawing symbols of his alien friends - and is adamant about how we're all missing the boat. His spaceship is due to arrive any day now.

Heard about a black police commissioner who was personally offended when a judge referred to money being dropped into a black hole - the guy wanted an apology because he felt the term was derogatory towards blacks - a tad sensitive - isn't 'black hole' a scientific term that was not meant to bother anyone. "Why does it have to be black?" the man campaigned - "Why can't it be a white hole - and then it won't be about me?" Maybe they should call it an idiot hole - oh yeah, that's about you again - sorry.

The GOP should start their anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage campaigning any day now to frighten the God-Fearing people of the world. I always loved the Paul McCartney song - Live and Let Live - can't we do that?

What if someone started a campaign to eliminate - Yankee-loving, Springsteen-loving, pasta-eating people from the planet?

I'd be up shits creek - I won't say anything about how you live your life if you leave me alone too.


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