Too Ridiculous

A couple of times this week I thought of a Mellencamp line:

“Sometimes life is too ridiculous to live.”

JCM spits the line in his great song “Between A Laugh & A Tear.”

We started the week with horrendous health news about a treasured family friend - just one of the out of the blue, ‘are you freaking kidding me?’ Sort of stories.

Thankfully, the docs are on it and time will help it all work out, but when there is a sudden attack…

…just ridiculous.

The weather has been horrendous.

Trying telling a dog that he can’t get his reps in because of the mud.

Work has also been a battle as there are people who go out of their way to puff themselves up when they get desperate.

“You were yelling at him!” Kathy said, as I finished a call.

“Dad told me that 95% of people are self-serving asses who will sell you out to save themselves. I think he was a little short in his estimate.”

And when you consider all of it, and making sudden changes it all seems somehow pointless and…


Yet, what are we without hope in our hearts?

I have to get fitted for a tux for Matt’s wedding.

The boys are going away together to Vegas for the bachelor party…

..(pray for Sam - I’m thinking of hiring a tail for him)

And the Yankees look good.

Also, I don’t hear any rain hitting the roof yet…

…Ollie may get a turn or three.


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