The Law of the Land

The abortion issue is once again front and center as the 2024 election shapes up between the incumbent and the defendant.

What’s sort of fascinating to watch is that the GOP is backpedaling on Roe V Wade because the recent elections have shown that they’re getting demolished on the issue.

Women, even in middle America seem to be rejecting the idea that men should have a say over their healthcare choices.

The rotund orange dude is the biggest backtracker of them all, but that’s of little surprise. There are plenty of tapes of him speaking on the issue.

He was pro-choice until he saw that it was an issue that could make him money.

Then suddenly, the least religious man of all-time, found a deep faith and he became the chosen one to his cult of whack jobs.

Now he’s saying that there shouldn’t be a national abortion law because….

…well, it’s not polling well.

The straight up hypocrisy of the issue is what galls me.

When it was about getting a vaccination the people who are trying to regulate other’s personal choices were screaming:

“My body, my choice!”

When a woman makes such a statement regarding abortion, they scream:

“I’ll make your choice for you!”

It’s an issue that bores me.

I know it’s important, but much like the border, it is something that won’t be solved because politicians need such issues to use as a football.


When you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything.

My faith tells me that abortion is wrong.

I’m aware enough to know that my faith isn’t your faith.

I’m bored.


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