Never Fight Uphill Me Boys!

Just amazing that there is anyone, anyone at all thinking about voting for Don Snoreleone.

Not only has he fallen asleep at his criminal trial for using campaign funds to try and silence the porn star that he had a fling with when his wife was home with their newborn…

…but he showed up in Pennsylvania this past weekend and did a talk about the Battle of Gettysburg.

It’s an incredible clip as he says that it was amazing, horrible, bloody, intense, beautiful and great.

He then breaks into an imitation of Robert E. Lee telling people that they shouldn’t ’Fight uphill me,’ sounding a little like the Lucky Charms leprechaun.

It’s astounding.

It reminded me of a 8th grade Social Studies class where you had to get up there and tell your classmates about the battle.

He has absolutely zero clue as to what happened and I believe that he only told the story so he could defend Robert E. Lee who, ‘have you noticed has fallen out of favor a little bit.’


…cause of that racism bullshit that Donnie Brasco thinks should still be allowed.

It’s so pathetic that he is drawing an audience, or there’s someone nodding along with his recall of how wonderful the Battle of Gettysburg was.

‘Amazing’ and ‘beautiful’ aren’t words that should be brought into the discussion.

But you can certainly imagine a very nervous, extremely unprepared 12-year old stumbling his way through a river of bullshit to try and avoid a ‘D-minus.’

A D-minus student shouldn’t be running for the highest office in the land…

…he should only be defending himself in a criminal trial involving a porn star.


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