Solar Eclipse Prep

Buffalo, New York will be a hot-spot for the coming solar eclipse on Monday.

There are reports that about a million people will crowd our streets.

We can’t handle a million people.

And, I’m about as non-science as one can get so I’m trying to figure out what the big deal is.

It gets progressively dark every day, doesn’t it?

It’s only gonna’ be dark for 3 minutes.

“We have to get glasses,” Kathy said.

“I’m not even going to look up,” I said.

The mayor was on the news yesterday trying to let everyone know that the garbage won’t be picked up and that cars can’t be parked on the streets.

He then explained that looking up without those glasses could cause blindness.

The city offices will be closed.

If you have court scheduled for that day…

…reschedule it.

“I wonder what a hotel room costs for Sunday night,” I said.

Went to the Google machine and noted:

“$500 a night for the Motel 6.”

Absolutely insane…

…because it’s going to get dark for three minutes.

Well, I probably will put on the glasses and glance up…

…I’m only pretending to be totally disinterested…

…but a million people jamming up every damn thing?

I’ll probably look up from my own backyard. 


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