Jack & Jill

We got the invitation about two months ago.

A Jack & Jill party for Matt and his bride to be, Alicia.

“What the hell is this?” I asked.

“That’s what they do now,” Kathy said. “Kind of a shower and a bachelor party at the same time.”

“Are there strippers?” I asked.

Then I forgot about it until about three hours before it started.

“Ahh, shit,” I thought.

Well, we went and had a great time!

Basket raffles, a chance to see all the boys that all my boys hung out with when they were kids, and one by one they all came by and talked about how much fun they had at the house all those years.

I shook hands with my husband-in-law and spent some time speaking with his parents - they are good, solid people and they were good to my boys - driving them home, and treating them as if they were their own grandkids.

We compared grey hairs, and spoke about the coming wedding and it’s always strange to see the kids doing the same weird things we did at that age.

Time truly flies on by.

I played the basket raffle and instead of putting my tickets in for a chance to win a bottle of booze, I went for the old guy prizes.

I scored big time!

I won a video doorbell.

By 9:30 - 3 and a half hours later, my back hurt, and I kept yawning.

“These aren’t like the bachelor parties we used to go to back in the day,” my brother-in-law Mike said.

We both knowingly laughed.

“I was at a couple of real beauties,” I said.


Fun was had by all…

…and I will know who is visiting the door if I can figure out how to set the thing up.


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