Another Birthday

Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife - the last of her birthdays in the 50’s.

Which is pretty insane!

We were talking about Jake and a new job and I mentioned being in Baltimore for a project when I was about Jake’s age. I mentioned my boss back then and Kathy said:

“Yeah. I knew him.”

So, we’re talking about a lot of time having passed and the craziest part is that we knew each other before our 20’s ended!

So, just another birthday, right?

Of course not!

We’ve battled through a whole bunch of things that life threw at us, and we’re still hanging tough.

It’s funny but we were watching a movie the other day and the wife told the husband, “If you can find someone who might want you, go for it.”

I laughed.

“That’s your line,” I said.

“Not anymore,” she said. “You’re stuck with me.”

That’s fine with me. 

We’ve certainly had to adapt and change and put up with hearing the same old stories…


…Happy Birthday!

At least March Madness didn’t start yet…

…we may even look in your direction this year.

With love from your adoring family!


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