Tucker Fired!

I must admit that I never watched a full Tucker Carlson Show on Fox.

Seeing clips of him was quite enough.

I must also admit that I was happy to hear that he was fired from his job, and it probably shouldn’t be much of a surprise as his organization had to pay out $787 million for telling lies on the air about the 2020 election.

As far as I could tell, Tucker wasn’t about to tell the truth about what happened.

He had video footage and he played it saying that those who invaded the Capitol were tourists and were actually meek and mild.

How did anyone watch that show and not cringe all the way through.

Yet, there are plenty of people who are upset about the firing.

Don Lemon was also fired from CNN yesterday.

Perhaps we are facing a swift change in how journalists do their jobs?

I’m not sure why Lemon was fired, but make no mistake, there are media moguls (think Brandon Roy in Succession) who are making such decisions and morals and integrity certainly are NOT playing a role.

The entire world knew that Tucker was lying his face off on a whole bunch of subjects. There were court proceedings that came right out and said that the Fox News programs were for entertainment purposes only.

It was never meant to be News.

It was always meant to sow division and for a whole lot of years…

…it worked.

Was Tucker fired because of the lies?

Probably not. They knew he was lying.

Was it the $787 billion?

I don’t care how much money one organization has…

…that has to hurt a little.

But in the end, yesterday was a good day, but I’m not sure it’s worthy of dancing in the streets because Tucker won’t go away.

He’s liable to come back worse than ever, but then again, morals and integrity play no part and he most likely doesn’t stand for anything…

…so perhaps he will be hired by a left-leaning organization and he talks a whole new game when he returns.

For now…

…enjoy the silence.


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