Living With Yourself

Did some reading about Clarence Thomas and the gifts bestowed on him by a benefactor.

There’s no debating the fact that he knew better. At that level, the rules are pretty strict and there’s an expectancy that you will be above such temptation.

You’re a Supreme Court judge! You know the rules!

It’s a little like George Costanza getting fired for sleeping with the cleaning lady at his office job.

When he’s called to the carpet for the event he says:

“Well, if I would’ve known it was frowned upon.”

Thomas knew it was frowned upon!

And I blame the nuns for making my life a tortured, haunted question of:

“Am I doing the right thing here?”

And then battling the guilt when I inevitably do the wrong thing from time to time.

How does someone live a life of bad things?

And I’m not just talking about Thomas or being politically one-sided. There are a whole lot of people doing garbage things and just shrugging them off.

People who lie, blatantly, every day and just go with it.


Mellencamp had a great line in one of my all-time favorite songs, ‘Minutes to Memories’.

“An honest man’s pillow is his peace of mind.”

Knowing you can sleep at night with the decisions you make and how you treat others is worth more to me than a yacht vacation that I shouldn’t be taking because I swore to uphold the law and not sell off my influence.


But that’s just me.

Perhaps Thomas needed a Sister Henriella in his life…

…to beat the fear of God into him…

…and torture him into trying to live the right way.

“An Honest Man’s pillow.”

Whole bunch of people seem to be laying their heads on a pile of rocks when they go to sleep.


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