Weird Weeks Ahead

I catch some flack around here for wanting every day to be the same.

I have my routines!

Yet, these next couple of weeks mess me up because I have to do weird things…

…like visit people and pretend to enjoy a party.

So, I’ve tried to do a few little things to take advantage of the fact that I don’t have to work quite so hard.

Like sleeping a half hour longer in the morning. Or not hitting one more job before I go home.

For instance, my feet were cold yesterday so I crossed the last job off the list.

Ollie was happy about it.

Speaking of Ollie…

…he’s the only dog we’ve ever had who knows the names of all his toys.

We have pinky and bunny and humpy (for obvious reasons).

I just have to call out the name of the toy and he will run and get it.

“Where’s pinky?”

30 seconds later, it’s in my lap.

Sunday morning we ran into a little problem because bunny was locked up in Sam’s room.

“Get bunny,” resulted in a trip downstairs, but he came back empty handed because Sam was still asleep.

Of course, I forgot about it.

Sam got up and headed for the shower about twenty minutes later.

A minute after Sam walked by, bunny was in my lap.

I just laughed.

“This dog is smarter than a couple of our kids,” I said.

And like the cat, the dog is also quite used to the routines of the day…

…and it’s going to be weird these next two weeks.

Routines upset!

Bunny and Humpy and Pinky are all going to get a work out.


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