Steal A Little

Thought of the old Bob Dylan line as as I read about the grifter’s taxes.

“Patriotism is the last refuge to which a scoundrel clings. Steal a little and they throw you in jail. Steal a lot and they make you king.”

I read through the bottom line in those taxes.

Tell me that it doesn’t piss you off!

A self-proclaimed ‘billionaire’ who claims to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, over-values assets, doesn’t pay taxes at all! 

And gets a $5 million dollar refund!

One year I had my mileage totaled…

…the state challenged it…

…wanted log books.

Wanted a mileage check from a maintenance shop on January 1 and another from December 31 so that the mileage could be verified.

This dude is writing off millions to charity!

Giving ‘gifts’ to his children that are clear exaggerations and there’s a note to his file that says:

“We can’t audit this because it’s so preposterous that it’ll take us too long.”

Just give him as much money as he wants!!

There was a reason why he didn’t want anyone to see his taxes.

To sum it up:

1). He ran as a successful businessman…he lost millions every year.

2). He paid zero or next to zero in taxes.

There are kids working at Mickey D’s who paid more in taxes than this ‘billionaire.’

Not an exaggeration!

3). His charitable contributions are laughable as his foundation was closed down because of fraud.

Didn’t stop him from claiming to have donated millions.

“No receipts? Ahhh, don’t worry about it!”

4). He claimed that he could not release his taxes because they were under constant audit and were too complicated for anyone to understand.

They weren’t under audit. (He stopped it from happening when he was playing president).

They were actually easy to understand…

…because he didn’t pay a freaking thing!

All fiction!

As I read the recap, I got more than a tad pissed off.

No one enjoys forking over money…

…but as citizens of the country…

…it’s a necessary evil.

Unless you’re rich or even pretend rich.

What a joke.

Hold him accountable.

Make all like him pay their fair share and then remember…

…tax evasion is a crime that took down Al Capone.

Everyone chant it.

All together now:

“Lock him up.”


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