Happy Birthday 🎁 Corinne!


I heard the test chime the other night, and then smiled.

Corinne & Carrie had the chance to get together.

I could almost hear the laughter.

My beautiful, supportive, wonderful sisters sharing laughs, a drink or two and talking about life.

And today is Corinne’s birthday!

Happy Birthday to my big Sis - she’s always good for a laugh, is always willing to help, and her strength in battling through anything is absolutely amazing.

Corinne has done a whole lot of the heavy lifting in working with Mom over the last handful of years and that means the world to all of us.

Yet whenever I think of her these days I recall the younger version - the much younger version as I scroll through the Rolodex of memories.

“Remember when you slammed the door on me as we were running for the bus?” I asked.

Corinne laughed, but I wasn’t sure she recalled it.

“I went through the glass of the screen door,” I said, “And heard Mom yell, ‘What the hell was that?’”

“You were safer running for the bus with cuts all over you than you were going back into the house,” Corinne said, and we laughed.

And that was the truth.

Know what else I recall about that morning?

Corinne, on the bus, helping Nina (the driver) help me to bandage the cuts on my arms.


That’s Corinne.

Slammed the door on me at the exact right time for comedic effect and then bandaged me up and helped me through it all.

Years and years of love and laughter and sadness and resolve.

Have a great birthday!

We love you!


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