Bouncing Back

Want to feel old?

Monica Lewinsky is 49 years old.

I was scrolling Twitter last night and there was a photo of her and a cup of coffee.

Just an innocent, good photo and she was smiling brightly. A normal woman living a normal life after being used and abused as a young woman.

I simply thought:

“She looks great, and happy. Good for her.”

Then I imagined how difficult her life must have become. As a young, ambitious woman she was dragged through the mud and used as a political weapon.

Anyone having their life examined and their mistakes exposed in such a manner…

…hell, how do you survive that?

Then I got brave. I decided to check the comment section, and I got exactly what I expected.

Nasty people just taking horrible pot shots at her in an attempt to be cruel, or funny, or something.

The lowest of the low.

What the hell can be gained by hammering away at a woman for a relationship that she had 25 years ago?

Not to absolve anyone of anything, as Clinton certainly took great advantage of his authority, but there’s no way that any human being should be destroyed as Lewinsky was.

Seeing the photo was a good thing for me though because it allowed me to think about how resilient a human being can be.

Of course, one photo on a social media feed doesn’t truly provide a picture into how anyone’s life is going, but I was hopeful for her.

I hoped that she’s had good days and that she truly has been able to live a life free of the sort of abuse that was all over the comment section under her innocent photo…

…but that’s the nature of the world now.

Not much more to say about it other than I hope she’s had a good life.

Because a whole lot of people put her through hell and I always felt sorry for her.

She didn’t deserve any of it.


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