
Imagine what a story Aaron Judge hitting 62 home runs in a single season had been had Sosa, McGwire and Bonds not cheated the game.

Aaron Judge is now the single-season home run king for those of us who follow the sport and believe that cheating isn’t legit.

I was getting nervous for Judge, but he would not dip out of the strike zone and swing wildly because he didn’t want to lose focus.

And there were some real chicken sh*t pitchers out there!

But now the record is his.

Hopefully he also gets a World Series ring before he signs his massive Yankees deal.

Judge seems to be the real deal. He went to the Jeter and Mattingly camp of always saying great things about others and not saying “I” very often.

He doesn’t flip bats.

He just hits and puts the team first and he plays the game right.

Funny thing is, I was on the road last night and there is no YES network in Kansas…

…so I set the game on my phone as Judge approached the plate, and I flipped through the television channels.

The AB was being shown live on TBS.

“Do it now!” I said out loud.

I’ve seen enough Judge homers to know it was gone as soon as the bat met the ball.


Sixty-one years after Maris set the record…

…another non-cheater came along and broke it.



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