
It appears that the big blotchy guy, Steve Bannon, will face consequences by ignoring a Congressional subpoena.

Whole bunch of others are also facing a decision of whether to show up or not.

Mark Meadows skipped his date too so he may also be charged.


It got me thinking of a court case that I had once.

If you’ve ever been in court you know that you need to tow the line, right?

I didn’t once.

I drove into a police roadblock in my hometown and I knew the cop, of course. It was his first week on the job.

“Fuzz, your registration is overdue.”

“I have it,” I said. “I just didn’t put the sticker on the windshield.”

I handed it over and my friend the cop looked nervous.

“Man, I have to give you a ticket. My boss is watching. I’ll write on the bottom that you had it and the judge will toss it.”

“Whatever you need to do.”

Two weeks later I ended up in a packed courtroom thinking that I would be in and out quickly enough to make it to my softball game.

The judge entered and pointed at me:

“Take off the Yankee hat,” he said, as he sat down in his huge robe.

“Are you a Sox fan?” I asked.

The other 80 people in the room laughed. The judge seethed.

Then, in the worst of all coincidences he called out the first case.


I walked up with my Yankees hat in my back pocket. He looked at the paperwork.

“I don’t get this,” the judge growled. “What is this?”

“I had the registration, your honor. I just didn’t affix it to my window.”

He sighed. I knew he wasn’t going to throw it out.

“Twenty-three dollar fine,” he said. 


He looked at the bailiff. 

“There’s a state surcharge, correct? How much?”

“Forty-Seven,” she said.

“Holy shit!” I exclaimed.

“What did you just say in my courtroom?” He asked.

“It’s a little steep,” I said.

“So is the fine for swearing in my courtroom.”

I should have stayed silent.


“I better get out of here before I get hung for not wetting the sticker and putting it on the windshield.”

There was more laughter.

I never looked up, but could feel the judge boring a hole in my head.

I wrote the check for $70 and got the hell out of there.

I was scared to death that he was going to call me back and slap the cuffs on me.

How someone could get subpoenaed by the United States Congress and think:

“Nah, I’m good.”

We are a nation of laws.

We can’t just let it slide.

Those rooting for the men ignoring the subpoenas are actually rooting against the very foundation of of the nation.

Go in and answer the questions.

If you don’t have anything to hide it should be all right, and when you make a sarcastic remark in front of the judge…

…don’t look up.


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