Cleaned Up!

Our cleaning lady was here early on Sunday morning, and by the time the Bills started we were sitting in a truly cleaned up house.

Even Sam’s room and Oliver’s little alcove were cleared of debris.

All the laundry is done and put away, and on Sunday night we appeared ready for the week ahead.

I checked the weather and it’s a mixed bag with temperatures ranging from the 30’s to the 60’s with all sorts of precipitation.

Ice, sleet, snow, rain.

I preach a lot about routines around these parts, and the Camp appears to be closed for the season, but for a few minutes on Sunday, as the Bills pummeled the Jets it seemed as though we were cleared for take-off.

The thing about life, though, is that you can prepare all you want, and turmoil will soon follow.

I’ve kept an eye on the January 6th news and it certainly is stomach-churning.

It appears as if there was a conspiracy in real time in that administration, and I certainly think it is being undersold,

There was an attempt to thwart an election.

In America.

If reports are true, Pence’s key card wouldn’t work and he was fearing for his life as the crowd grew more violent.

Subpoenas are being ignored. There are factions calling for a national religion (Flynn made that proclamation) and it certainly seems to me that lunacy is the order of the day.

A national religion??

The flag has always stood for certain things, but it’s greatest proclamation is the mission statement that all men are created equal and that every American has a shot.

If we start decertification of elections, or ignorance of laws that were included as checks and balances. If we force a certain religion.

Well, that is chaotic.

And dangerous.

And what does this all have to do with my clean house as the week begins?

Well, that deep breath that I took as I imagined that we were ready for the week ahead was something that has been missing for years.

We need to get everything back on solid footing.

That constitution needs to be re-read and upheld.

We used to be shocked at attempts to bash our rule of law. Politicians of the past were called to congress too.

They went.

They answered the questions.

They faced the depositions.

We desperately need to clean things up, and when we get it clean…

…we need to try and keep it there…

…no matter what happens.

Both sides of the political fence need to understand that we at least have to play by the rules…

…or we won’t ever remove the stain.


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