Are the Farmers Happy?

Daylight savings time kicked in on Saturday.

Miller didn’t get the memo.

We have a cat who has two litter boxes and an upstairs bowl of food (in my room) and a downstairs bowl of food (in Sam’s room).

Miller freaks the freak out if either of the litter boxes needs cleaning or, if God help me, he runs low on food in either bowl.

I didn’t check the food before going to bed on Saturday night. Miller ran out around 4:30.

By 5:00, I was out of bed filling it up.

It feels better not having to drive to work in the pitch dark. I like that.

However, it gets dark by 4:45 p.m.

By 9:00 on Sunday night it felt like it was 2 a.m.

Let’s be done with this.

The farmers don’t need the daylight anymore.

In March or whenever the hell we are supposed to spring ahead let’s just do a half an hour…

…and then never do it again.

Does anybody really know what time it is?

Does anybody really care, about time?

Miller doesn’t.


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