In Dreams

I’ve always been a good dreamer, and I enjoy it when I remember them and they make some sense.

I particularly enjoy dreaming about people from my past, and especially those who have left us.

Those visits usually make me smile the next morning.

Every now and again, I will have a wild one, and I wake up wondering what the hell it means.

Years ago, I bought my Grandma’s house in the city of Buffalo. We lived in that home for a few years before moving to a bigger home with the kids.

Last night, in my dreams, I was back in Grandma’s home, looking out the window on a summer day. The television was on and I was watching a black and white movie when I heard an argument outside. I looked straight into the eyes of a white man who was brandishing a gun as he chased a Hispanic man. The white man took two shots, dropping the Hispanic man in the street before turning the gun in my direction. He shouted, “You’re next!”

And I woke up. 

A cold chill raced up and down my spine, but he hadn’t gotten the shot off.

“Just a dream!”

Miller and Paris were on the bed, snoring away. I ran the details of the dream through my mind again.

“What the hell does that mean?”

And there’s a website where you can put details in and they’ll explain it for you.

Dreams of being shot at by a stranger can mean the following:

1). You’re watching too many violent shows or

2). You’re being betrayed by someone at work who is jealous of you or

3): You’re under stress or

4). It don’t mean squat.

The details were crazy. 

I clearly saw the interior of Grandma’s house. I remember the show that was on the television and I could certainly identify the bastard who pointed the gun at me.

The thing I hate about waking from a dream like that?

You don’t get to see the ending.

I tried to go back as I closed my eyes.

No chance.

My next dream was about roller skating.

I haven’t been on skates in 45 years.

Ah well.

Probably means I’m nuts.


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