Good Companion

Back when I was a younger man I used to make long drives from Buffalo to Baltimore or Buffalo to New Haven.

There were months when I made those long commutes at least every other week.

That’s a lot of time in the car.

Back in those days I would pop in a tape or a CD and listen to music.

Bruce was featured a lot.

I spend time in the car these days too, but it’s usually just a couple of hours at a time. I don’t make many 5 or 6 hour plus drives these days.

But Friday I packed the car and headed out.

I didn’t have any cassettes or CD’s with me, but I programmed “Western Stars” first.

Great record.

Before long I was in Pennsylvania.

A beautiful sunny day. Music up loud. Hot coffee. Surrounded by green hills.

“Letter to You” followed as I thought about old college friends.

I called one.

“We gotta’ get together soon.”

I made my way into West Virginia and then smoothly transitioned into Virginia.

“What a beautiful country.”

And though I’d been dreading so many miles. I relaxed and sang along and let my mind wander.

Thinking of the kids, the pets, work and the beautiful wife.

I passed by a lot of Trump signs and that set my mind a flutter for quite awhile.

What a long strange trip it’s been since those long rides in the 80’s.

Bruce was still in the car.

Singing along with me.

“What a companion,” I thought.

I got out of the car at a rest stop. My ears were ringing a little.

My back was stiff and sore.

Wasn’t like that in the 80’s.

On the last leg of the trip I saw the sign for Charlottesville.

I wonder if 1980’s me would’ve even believed this last 5-year stretch of being an American citizen.

Probably not.

Lots to think about.


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