The Good Old Days

“The good old days weren’t always good and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems.” - Billy Joel

Every once in awhile you’ll run across a Facebook post that looks back fondly at coming home when the streets lights come on, or drinking out of a garden hose or chasing fireflies. 


But was life better back then?

Men went to work. Women were homemakers. The kids got hit with the belt and they grew up to be respectful and polite.

Not sure how that was better for women, who were scared to speak out of fear of catching a backhand, or kids who were also fearful and had welts on their asses.

“Men worked and they had medical care, retirement, a decent wage, and they saved money.

When they got home women had dinner ready, and they were all dressed up.”


That’s a pipe dream. Didn’t actually work that way.

“People went to church every Sunday. They confessed their sins to the priest and treated nuns and priests with respect.”

How’d that work out?

“Kids were outside playing. Not everyone looked at phones all day long. People talked to each other.”

Yeah. We had encyclopedias too to look up information. No one knew anything about anything. Technology is not a bad thing.

“Men were men and women were women! There were no gays of trans or whatever!”

Yes there were.

Dates back to cavemen days.

So, it’s a bit like comparing old sports stars with younger players.

Wilt dominated.

Would he dominate now?

I was fortunate enough to span a lot of life.

I came home when the streetlights came on, but I also had to wait two days to hear about a game the Yankees played on the west coast.

I didn’t particularly enjoy drinking out of a garden hose.

Gatorade is better.

A whole lot has changed, of course, but there are plenty of things that are exactly the same…

…like wages.

A semester of college was $3 grand a year.

It’s $30 grand now.

Mom and Dad both work because food, housing and clothing cost way more now.

And don’t even get me started on what happens if you get sick.

Oh yeah.

Back in the good old days a mass shooting was once a decade event.

There are 10-12 a month now.

So, when you’re thinking about the good old days there are plus and minuses.

I enjoy looking forward.


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