June the 2

What are we thinking about?

Life is starting to feel almost normal again. Which is pretty damn good. Masks are still necessary on airplanes, but small price to pay. The bigger price is having to sit next to all these damn people.

The Yankees are back to stinking and it’s absolutely mind-boggling. Guys who have been good hitters for years are suddenly swinging through every damn pitch? One dude was getting swings and misses on 88 mph. I’m almost 57 years old - let me have an hour in the batting cages and I can get a bat on 88.

Summer is the best. When it’s warm and sunny life is just better. I’m 4 days away from getting back on the tee and still a little aggravated by not playing well three days ago. But, that’s okay. Something to look forward to.

Our wedding anniversary was Sunday. Twenty-four years. Pretty crazy. Was nice to have a day off and we had a big dinner. What else is there left to do? Next year seems to be a bigger deal. 25 years. Not bad. My next longest relationship was about a month or so. 

June the 2.

Impossible not to think of Dad, Jeff and especially Uncle Jim.

It was a day that was always exciting and will be today as all of my siblings and cousins and other Italian-American friends have our little holiday.

It’s turned into a pork chop day and I was ahead of the game this year. I made pork chops on Saturday - made 15 of them.

I ate at least 6 of them over a 3-day period.

Uncle Jim would be proud of that effort.

Happy June the 2!

Let’s go Yankees!

You’re the New York F***ing Yankees!

Wake up! Fire Boone!! Do something!!!


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