
Our first golf outing at our home course was nothing like we imagined.

One member of our foursome is on the 60-day IL and we were certainly going to miss him. He will be back as strong as ever soon.

A couple of hours before our Sunday tee time 2 more had to bow out. More sad health news, but we will help our buddies battle through as well.

We were down to two at the tee, but I was excited about the new driver and the relatively sunny day.

I removed my $400 purchase from the bag and headed to the tee. It snapped in my hand!

I didn’t even bring my old driver!

Now what?

I borrowed my buddies driver and yanked one to the right. On the next hole, I did the same thing.

Nearly 20 years with the old driver!

Thankfully I’m an elite athlete because I figured out to hit my buddies driver and the rest of the day was great fun.

I hit one straight at the pin on a par three and when it was in the air I honestly thought it was going in.

It skidded 10 feet past, and I missed the birdie putt, but oh well.

A while later I dropped a 50-feet putt.

Played pretty well.

Swung by the sporting goods store with both pieces of my brand new, really expensive driver.

“Tough break,” the kid said. “I’m thinking it’s going to be about $100 to fix it.”

“I didn’t hit it 50 times!” I said, a little too loudly.

“As soon as you hit it once it’s yours,” he said.

“When I was in here three weeks ago you raved about how great it was. You must’ve been laughing your ass off.”

He just looked at me, and it dawned on me that nothing was going to be done.

“What would you like to do?”

“Let’s see. My options are to throw it out, or pay $100 for to fix it, or give you another $400 to sell me a new piece of garbage.”

He looked confused.

“Have you decided?”

“Fix it.”

There was more good news.

“It may take a month or so.”

“Lovely. I’ll go back to the one I swung 70,000 times without a problem.”

“Thanks for coming in. Anything else I can help you with?”

“Oh no. You’ve done enough.”


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