Happy Easter šŸ£

This Easter we are having a subdued celebration once again.

Just three of us for dinner, and I’m already kind of stuck because I keep making way too much food.

We have a huge ham.

Our Covid shots are all coming in rapid fashion starting on Monday so we are still not comfortable in huge gatherings.

Oh well.

Maybe next year, but we’ll be all right.

I have a bunch of Easter memories to get me through.

When we were kids we spent a lot of time in church. As an altar boy my service was required for almost all of Holy Week and on Thursday a shiver went up my spine as I thought about how endless the stations of the cross was.

In 1988 my college buddy called me on Good Friday and he told me that he had two tickets to see Springsteen on Saturday night. In Long Island.

“No chance,” I said. “Flights are a fortune.”

“I’ll give you an hour to think about it.”

So, me and my buddy Tom got in the car and drove all the way there, watched Bruce for 4 hours, and drove all the way home.

I ate Easter dinner half asleep, but what a memory.

And as kids, the hiding of the Easter baskets was epic.

If you stumbled across someone else’s basket, you had to re-hide it.

I once found my basket, three days later, in the hot attic.

The chocolate had melted.

There was no mercy.

So, it will be a muted holiday.

I’ll think about God, eat well, have a little chocolate and maybe even listen to a little Bruce.

Have a great Easter!


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