Bad News

Before I got out of bed on Sunday morning I received texts that brought bad health news for people that I know.

Haven’t we all had our fill of that?

When the word mentioned is cancer, there’s a true feeling of absolute dread and I often think of the horrific days spent in a hospital.

Zero sleep.

Profound sadness.

And there’s not a whole lot you can say to comfort someone. It’s all about just being there.

When the bad news hits it also seems to come in waves.

“Did you hear about?

So, I guess the best thing that I can do is to pray and hope and be a friend.

That’s all there is to hold onto.

Yet, I always think back to when Jake was battling his health problems as a young child.

A friend of ours mentioned that the best thing we could do was stay positive.

Sounds easy, but I’m telling you, it helped me.

Every single time I felt the negative starting to creep in...

...I thought of what she said, and I stayed above the despair.

For my friends battling...

...keep battling.

And stay upbeat.



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