$750 In Taxes

It’s borderline ridiculous now.

Supposedly he’s going to get up on a stage and debate Joe Biden for the highest office in the land.

Over the last ten years, he supposedly paid less than two grand in taxes over that time.

He owes $421 billion dollars to someone.

Want to guess to who...



That’s why he has kissed Putin’s ass from day one.

There was even more bile-inducing information. He wrote off the cost of his hair at a tune of $70,000 a year.

He paid a consulting fee to his daughter who was working as a full-time employee. He’s stolen millions and millions and millions from the government coffers and he has made laws to benefit himself.

And he’s eligible to run???

More importantly there are people out there willing to vote for this?

Okay, you got fooled once.

You bought the act.

That’s what conmen do.

But now all the information is out there.

Bankruptcies, tax fraud, failed marriage, porn stars, he blew off Covid-19 and thousands died. He’s nasty, doesn’t like dogs, has severe racist tendencies.

What are you voting for?


I just find it really funny that it turns out that Obama is better off financially as he is.

I wrote this same sort of blog back in 2016.

He got more than 62 million votes.

He shouldn’t get one.

People who declare $20,000 as income pay more than $750 in taxes.

He says he’s worth $10 billion.

The immigrants he’s destroying are actually more a benefit to this country than he is.

Take him to jail.


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