School’s Out for Summer

The only extended break we had from school was during the blizzard of ‘77 when the furnace went down at the high school and we were off for two weeks.

Was a great break. We played long games of hockey down the street.

Of course, school was flat-out canceled for kids this year, and since the virus is running rampant now all over the place, well, you just knew the leaders would have a comprehensive plan for safety.

Send them back!!

Not to be out-stupided by king stupid, Florida’s governor said:

“If people can go to Home Depot they can go to school.”



Because people go to Home Depot for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week and they sit next to 30 other people.

I know some 25-30 year veterans of the educational system.

“We have had some talks about it,” one man said, “And it’s pretty much impossible logistically.”

Imagine young children socially distancing on a bus or in a hallway.

Then imagine high school kids even caring enough to pretend.

Then imagine the middle-aged teachers and administrators dropping like flies because the virus sweeps through the building.

You know what galls me?

These “plans” come with zero forethought. They are usually delivered with a threat though.

“I’ll withhold funding.”

Whatevs, dude.

We are at 132,000 dead. 3 million cases.

“It’s because we’re testing more! We do 40,000 tests we have 40,000 cases. If we did 20,000 we’d only have 20,000 cases.”

Let’s test that.

40,000 women are pregnant.

Only 20,000 took a pregnancy test.

How many women are pregnant?

Prediction for you:

Schools won’t open in the fall and if they do they will close again.

Baseball will start and stop and not finish.

Same with basketball and hockey.

Football will be an 8-game season.

‘Cause here’s the thing...

...the virus doesn’t know anything about threats...

...or stupidity...

...or politics.

It doesn’t avoid people without masks and it doesn’t truly spare any age group.

It’s a virus that has the potential to kill.

Sending kids into that without a protective plan  seems ludicrous.

But hey, maybe we can sew some sort of anti-viral patch onto their bullet proof backpacks because...

...after all...’s all about the safety of our children.


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