
We should actually deal with facts and not the insane ranting of someone like Chuck Woolery who claimed that the CDC, the media and the Democrats are trying to advance the Covid-19 agenda to get back at Trump.

Here’s a fact:

No one wants the world to be closed down. We want to work. We want to go to baseball games. We want our children back in school.

Another fact:

The virus is real. All the sick and dead people, all throughout the world (mind you), should tell you that much. 

I’m not sure anyone would actually get sick and die to pull off the prank.

Here’s a lie for you:

We don’t have the most or the best tests. We would not have less cases if we tested less people. Tests or not, we have cases. A lot of cases.

How about a fact:

The virus spreads easier if when two people meet that neither wears a mask.

If one of them does the chance of spread goes down.

If both do, the spread is even less.

Maybe you don’t like the way you look in a mask. Perhaps it seems like a grand conspiracy to strip you of your freedom, but the virus doesn’t care.

Republican or Democrat. Atheist or Bible-thumper. Man or woman.

The virus just wants a host.

Another lie:

“We’ve done a tremendous job fighting the virus.”

Millions of cases. A lot of really, really, really sick people.

135,000 dead.

That’s not a ‘tremendous’ job by any stretch of the most demented of all minds.


Fauci forgot more about disease control than Trump ever knew.

Now I know that Trump’s uncle went to MIT but brilliance didn’t rub off. The shine came off the 🍎 when he made the ingest bleach suggestion.

Yet, he needs a foe and Fauci is now a convenient choice. Just edit a few clips from months ago that show the good doctor mentioning something early on, and voila, the doc sounds as dumb as anyone else.


Roger Stone was convicted and deserved his sentence, and the fact that he was pardoned by his co-conspirator stinks to high heaven.


It’s just gonna’ go away.

One day it’ll be like a miracle, and it’ll go away.


99% of the cases aren’t serious.


Permanent lung damage.

Bankruptcy from 3 weeks in an ICU unit.

Massive unemployment.

Not going to the funeral of a loved one.

There are a whole lot of costs and hidden costs and this should have never been a political game.

We need to all fight it together.


We won’t fight it together.

Final fact:

Everything about this has been an abomination.


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