Bring It

I will not complain about the heat.

It hit 100 degrees in Siberia this week...

...which probably isn’t good news for the ice up there.

I’ve been a sweating machine by 8:00 every morning this week and haven’t actually seen as much as a single rain drop since about the end of May.

I’m good with it.

As well-chronicled here, I hate the snow and cold. The dark, dreary days make for hours and hours of misery.

So bring the heat!

Even late in the round on Sunday when I was wearing down, I knew that I was still having fun.

I dipped my mask in the ice chest and wore it on my head like Chevy Chase walking through the desert in Vacation.

And all the sun has made me as dark as I’ve been in years. I’m not sure if I’ve ever used sun screen more than 3 times in my life and I’ve only ever had sunburn once... Florida, the day we saw Pam Anderson at the top less beach.


What was I talking about???

Oh yeah, the sun.

I actually said it on Sunday.

I love the feel of the sun on my face.

I better really love it today because they’re talking 95 degrees.

Just keep shining down...

It makes me forget that the country is in the tank.

72 hours to tee time!


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