
I can’t imagine not reading for fun.

I can’t go to sleep without reading at least 10 or 15 or 50 or 75 pages of something!

It’s been that way all my life, and I seriously can count the number of days in my life when I didn’t read before sleep.

There are nights when the book hits the floor because I’ve fallen asleep while reading. There are just as many nights when I fall asleep and I wake up holding the book open to the page that I was reading.

I read for my job, and also read as many articles and stories as I can right when I wake up. I get a lot of those stories off of Twitter.

I also buy the Buffalo News every morning and I read that each day.

Now, I’m not bragging here. I am quite sure that I’m in the minority. I don’t know a lot of people who read 75-100 books every year.

“Only book I’ve read since high school was “Oh Brother: The Life & Times of Jeff Fazzolari”,” one friend said.

“Well, at least it was a great choice,” I said.

Thing is, I can’t imagine that as president of the free world, the nitwit couldn’t read the daily press briefing.

“Sometimes it’s 25 pages,” someone said in his defense.

Are you kidding me?

Maybe skip a Fox Show and read about the threats against the American soldiers in the field.

“The president reads,” the vapid press secretary announced.

The fact that she had to announce it???

And the truth of the matter is that no one believes her!

The members of Congress didn’t bother reading the Mueller report.

Some did. Most didn’t.

That’s their job!

So, I guess I won’t ever understand people who don’t read.

“It hurts my eyes,” some people tell me.

I’ll end this with a book story...

...after I released ‘Nobody’s Home’ I gave a copy to my brother, Jim. 

A week later I opened the trunk of his car and the book was there..

...covered in grease.

“Ah, I don’t read much,” he said.

But good news there.

Jim has read each book, and he’s usually the first one done.

Moral of the story:

Everyone can read...

...if it’s important enough to you.

A presidential press briefing detailing threats against democracy and our way of life should be read by the guy pretending to be president.

Otherwise you probably shouldn’t be doing the job.


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