Now We Are Naming the Stadium

The Bills and New Era announced that they’re dissolving their partnership and that the Bills will be looking for a new name for the stadium.

I still call it Rich Stadium sometimes.

Or the Ralph when it was named for former owner Ralph Wilson.

Now what?

Of course it’ll be sold to the highest bidder and we may be soon calling it Kars for Kids stadium or Cellino & Barnes Field, but how about honoring some of our old players?

Orenthal Field?

He’s on the wall of honor, why not?

Jim Kelly Stadium?

That one’s all right, actually?

How about going the Yankees way and not actually selling the rights.

Yankee Stadium is the best name of any stadium, right.

Just Buffalo Bills Field.

But something is weird about the Pegulas. We hear that they’re worth billions and billions from their fracking, but they have let the Sabres arena go to pot.

The arena hasn’t been upgraded at all. They say that water drips in some areas and that the seats are ripped.

When Covid hit they took forever to actually pay the employees who tossed peanuts at the games.

About a month ago they laid off about half the people in their entertainment network.

So they will definitely sell the rights.

Fazzolari Field is actually a good name, right?

Popple Stadium?

I don’t think I called it New Era field even once... whatever.

It’ll always be Rich Stadium to me.


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