The Bills Are 3 and Oh!

I didn’t remember that the Bills also started off 2011 with 3 straight wins to open the season.

“Was that the year they won the super bowl?” I asked.

“Shut-up,” my two excited boys said, in unison.

And I’m not being contrarian. Good for them. It’s a friendly place usually, but it’s even more friendly when the Bills don’t suck.

I tried to tell the boys what the city felt like when the Bills were going to Super Bowls.

“It had to be crazy.”

After the game, Sam was doing the math.

“No way they finish worse than 12-4 and get a home playoff game.”

I laughed.

They could easily be 1-2, but they aren’t.

The Bills are 3-0.

You have to win the ugly ones too.

As for me?

I watched the 2nd half of the Jets game and the final quarter of the Bengals game.

“Are they for real?” Sam asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe. Allen has to stop throwing the dumb ones.”

“Can you imagine if they beat the Patriots?”

“No,” I said. “But it’s sports. Anything could happen.”

By Sunday night, Sam had passed me a total of dozen times.

“Three and oh, baby.”

I laughed.

There’s a lot of laughter when they win.

(As an, the product has really slipped! Bad teams, horrible calls).

One more thing, in the Bills game, the defensive player picked off a pass and then got up and ran into his own end zone, untouched, where he celebrated with fans.

“Why isn’t that a safety?” I asked.

“He was celebrating!”

“So, the rules don’t matter?”


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