Eighteen Years

It’s all so vivid.

Like many other Americans I know exactly where I was when the first plane hit.

I know exactly how sad I felt when the towers came down.

The fear.

The sadness.

The rage.

For a while there we seemed to be making some progress.

I feel a lot of the same things now.

Fear, rage and sadness.

Back then our democracy was threatened by an outside enemy.


...what will take us down is all right here.

The division.

The nastiness.

The lack of coherent leadership.

It’s strange to say, but I think we are in worst shape now on September 11, 2019 than we were on September 12, 2001.

Because back then we were united.

Now we are divided.

And those in charge have zero interest in togetherness.

“The Democrats are for crime.”

“The Democrats don’t believe in God.”

Those are the kind of statements that are being made.

They aren’t true.

They are meant to divide.

So, enjoy the freedom.

Think about what it meant to be united with members of the other party.

And never forget.


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