Not Watching

The Game of Thrones mania is sweeping the nation.

We are not involved.

Well, most of us..

...Jake is thoroughly engrossed.

“Best show ever!” Is being tossed around a lot.


I can’t comment either way...

...we’re in the middle of Bosch.

Bosch appears a better fit for us.

I have never really cared for science fiction or war-type shows.

I’ve never seen ‘Saving Private Ryan’ for instance.

Like my writing and reading my television and movie tastes are more in line with stories in modern day times. I read Stephen King, of course, and he can get into some ‘out there’ stuff, but he really sells it and his characters are built with modern loves and hates.

What bothers me about Games of Thorns is this:

The people watching take great pride in saying that they’re watching...

...and the people not watching tell us that too, and kind of ridicule those who are enjoying it.

I don’t much care either way.

We might get around to it.

Might skip it entirely.

“Oh my God! Did you see it?” Someone will ask me today.


Maybe later...

...but enjoy.

Great art is great art.

Bosch is pretty damn good too.


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