
I read the Mueller report.

Thing is, none of it was actually surprising.

The entire thing played out in real time and we had a front row seat.

The behavior then was disgusting, vile and unbefitting the highest office in the land.

What has happened since we heard it had been submitted is even more alarming to me.

William Barr is the attorney general. He is not the lawyer for the president. He either lacks basic reading comprehension skills or he wanted to trick the public into the exact opposite of what the report actually said.

The mantra has been and will continue to be “No Collusion, No Obstruction.”

The exact opposite is true.

There is a ton of evidence there.

Simple reading comprehension at a 7th grade level will get you there, but one of the single greatest lines ever was sung by Mellencamp and I think of it often:

“People believe what they want to believe when it makes no sense at all.”

People will believe the “No Collusion, No Obstruction” chant when all it takes is a few hours to read and make up their own mind.

Yet, many of those people believe that God picked Donald or that a man who poops in a gold toilet actually cares about the common man.

He wouldn’t walk across the street to spit on a working guy...

...but believe away.

We live in fantasyland now.


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