One Week to Go!

Can't hardly wait for the Jeff Fazzolari Thunder Road Memorial Softball Tourney.

And it's not just the chance to hang with friends and share a laugh or two.

It's definitely not the opportunity to impress others with my limitless athletic skills.

Check this out:

An autograph from Curtis Granderson of the 27-Time World Champion Yankees will be up for grabs in the auction during the action.

And that's what really makes my heart swell up.

The people! My friends and family who still love and miss Jeff so much and want to honor him with a wonderful day of celebration.

I'm telling you! Jeff would have absolutely loved this event.

We have people baking cakes, making peppers, donating treasured sports items, hooking up the music, finding the ball field, sending out letters, printing up flyers, thinking of special gifts and donating their own treasured items for the benefit of Johnny, Farrah and Rocco.

How about that? A full-sized signed football helmet by a guy from the Ravens who I'm told is a fantastic player - Ed Dickson.

Not only would Jeff have loved this event he would have been the guy we were all talking about the next day.

And I can hardly wait because of the hugs and laughter.

Ah hell, one more:

That's Ed Reed of the Ravens.

Yes, we have a lot more up for grabs. I have my eyes set on a Goose Gossage signed ball. And that Granderson. And one from David Phelps of the current, first-place Yankees.

Problem being that Sam has more money than me and he's interested in the same things.

Hope to see you there:

August 12 at 11 a.m. at the New Oregon Field. Come a little early to pick teams and check out the merchandise.

Can't wait!


Larry L said…
I wish I could, it sounds like fun and for a great family.

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