I'm Not Listening

I will not be a participant in the presidential election this year. I may still vote, mind you, but I swear to God I'm not going to get caught up in any discussions.

We've proved it all by now.

We're a house divided.

People who want guns are willing to shoot those who don't. People who want a free ride are willing to bash the establishment. Those who make million dollar bonuses because they're smart enough to find the loopholes want nothing to do with the downtrodden.

There's no sense in discussing it.

And it occurred to me that I've never listened to a Mitt Romney speech and I haven't heard Obama say anything in about four years.

I'm not interested.

The rhetoric of four years ago infuriated me. All the crap we were told was absolute bullshit. None of it really happened, did it?

And then we found out that the Palin choice was a scam. Those on that side didn't even believe what she was saying.

The end of all of it came for me the other day when I saw a photo of Bush that painted him as a great leader.

The machine rolls on.

Depending upon which side you're listening to we are either witnessing the greatest leadership in the history of the world, or we are about a month away from absolute collapse.

And it won't matter one bit to me.

"What about the kids? They will be paying for this forever. Your grandchildren will be in a real mess."

You know what?

I don't care.

Let them fend for themselves because what the hell am I going to do about it?

"You need to get yourself a semi-automatic," my brother-in-law chided me the other day. "When the world comes calling you're going to want to defend your family."

He was certainly just trying to draw me in.

I wouldn't take the bait.

"Send me a pamphlet," I said.

"We all need guns. We need to shoot the illegal immigrants and the poor," my brother-in-law said. "Enough is enough."

"You're right," I said.

"You're absolutely right."

I ain't listening.


John said…
Here's an idea - instead of shooting the undeniably stupid, remove all warning labels from products and let them weed themselves out.

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