Grab Bag

Man summer is busy, isn't it? I was just thinking about what we have planned in the next couple of weeks and I told my buddy, Gag:

"I'm screwed."

But looking forward to a little fun and a lot of work.

What do you want to talk about?

1). Isn't it crazy that when the news reports something about "the shooter" we don't know which shooter they're talking about?

Would that be the guy in Wisconsin or the guy in Arizona or the guy in Colorado?

Remember - guns don't kill people!!!!

Did you ever hear of someone breaking into a church and punching 7 people to death?

2). Obama and Romney have raised millions and millions of dollars to run for president. You know what might win the election for one of them?

If they donated the money to something useful and said that they'd like for that to stand as their statement of election.

Sure beats spending all that cash to make stump speeches filled with promises that can't ever come true.

3). By the way why is our right to own a gun more important than our right to have affordable healthcare?

People will fight for the gun rights.

Healthcare for the impoverished?

That's bullshit, right?

4). Just read a disturbing story about a man shooting his wife.

It's even more disturbing than that. The wife was in the intensive care at the hospital and the man entered and shot her to supposedly put her out of her misery.

You still can't do that!

If it were legal, my wife would have put me out of my misery about ten different times now.

Seriously though, heartbreaking story there.

5). Still haven't watched one second of the Olympic coverage.


Not basketball, not badminton, not ping pong, not bouncing off the horse or rings or floor mats.

You know what would be funny?

If someone found old footage of me in gymnastics class.

Our teacher used to make us try all of those jumps and climbs and flips.

As you might have guessed, I really, really sucked at it.

Have a terrific rest of the week.

Melky and Paris are waiting for their ride.

We have a bead on a couple of squirrels.


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