Chicken and Badminton

The owner of Chick-fill-a has taken a stand against gay marriage.

What the hell does that have to do with selling chicken?

Don't you think, as a businessman that you'd sell your chicken to everyone and not discriminate? I just don't know what he thought he'd prove by coming out against such an issue.

Can't gay people eat chicken too.

The guy is a dope. Holier than thou. I hope no one buys his grub.

And how do we go from chicken to badminton?

One of my buddies referred to this blog and my writing in it as:

He's wildly consistent in his evaluation of d-bag behavior.

Well, yes I am. It's the reason why I try to behave, so that no one can say that I'm a hypocrite or a d-bag.

Yet bad behavior for sure. Teams from the Far East were found trying to lose their badminton matches so that they'd get a better seed in the next match-up.

First off, why is badminton in the Olympics?

I've played it a couple of times and its kind of dumb, isn't it? I always felt absolutely ridiculous playing it, and it's an Olympic sport?

What's next?

Olympic Jenga?

I have not watched even three minutes of the Olympics. I know I'm in the minority, but even those of you who are really into it, would you watch a badminton match?

Oh, I have one other bone to pick with the Olympics. This whole Michael Phelps thing.

He is not the greatest athlete ever. He swims. We all swim.

And he has 19 medals because he is up for a medal in every single event. How many other athletes get another medal every time they win? I'm thinking Kobe and Bron-Bron are better athletes but they can only win one medal per trip to the Olympics.

Phelps gets a medal for making it to the pool.


Back to the badminton battle.

You really shouldn't be trying to lose in a competition. You probably shouldn't try to chase chicken-eating-patrons away from your chicken-selling business either.

So who wins the bad behavior competition this week?

At least it ain't me.


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