A Man's World

On the day when Augusta National finally admitted two women as members Rhianna was on Oprah talking about Chris Brown and how he is the love of her life despite the fact that he gave her a beat down.

One step up and two steps back, ladies.

First off, on the golf deal.

Really? Is it that big of a deal?

Why did it take so long?

My only problem with it is that one the day I finally get to play Augusta it'll be in the cart with the two women in it right in front of me. The round will take me 12 hours as I wait for them to apply their makeup.

(Just kidding, of course).

I haven't had a lot of experience playing golf with women. My wife has no interest. I actually took my mother out once and she never got the ball off the ground. She laughed a lot though, and believe it or not I was worried that we were holding up some guy in a Dale Earnhardt cut-off T.

My mother should be able to do anything she wants anywhere in the world.

And that's the way I break it down.

We all should be able to do what we want. We are free. Blacks shouldn't be excluded. Gays shouldn't be excluded. Women shouldn't be excluded.

So play golf. About time.

But this Rhianna nut job?

Why are you still talking about the guy who bashed your teeth in?

And shouldn't you be talking about what an asshole he is rather than how much you love him cause he's a good guy?

I understand that you're trying to stay relevant, but why would you paint that man in any other light than the one he painted himself in when he hauled off and whacked you?


Doesn't playing the vulnerable victim set women back a long ways on the same day when men allowed you the right to hit a ball with a stick on the same piece of lawn as us?

It's just amazing that we are still talking about some of these things 2012 years into it.

You know who should be banned from places?

Yeah, Chris Brown and guys like him.

It's a man's world, ladies.

Wasn't he a featured performer on the Grammy's?


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